About Nganampa Health
Nganampa Health Council (NHC) is an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation operating on the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the far north west of South Australia. Across this area, NHC operates seven clinics and assorted health related programs including sexual health, environmental health, health worker training, dental, women’s health, male health, children’s health, immunisation, eye health and mental health.
The health service has a sustained national reputation for best practice clinical services, leading edge collaborative program research and development and for the collection of outcome data as a basis for ongoing evaluation. Our successes include.:
  • Significant reductions in the rates of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Consistent childhood immunisation rates in excess of 90% and in some years at 100%.
  • Increases in the number of completed health checks from 84 in 2003/04 to in excess of 1,400 in 2016/17.
  • Percentage of antenates seen in the first trimester has increased from 20% in 1992, to consistently over 70%.
  • Publication of the nationally and internationally recognised UPK report in 1987.
  • Establishment and operation up to June 30 2021 of the Tjilpiku Pampaku Ngura Aged Care Facility.
  • A dental program that has seen improvements in the dental health of children including some indicators that are comparable with the rest of South Australia.
  • Improvements in the number of well women’s checks completed.

These achievements have been recognised by the Productivity Commission in the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report, the Commonwealth Department of Health in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Primary Health Care review, the Australian Medical Association and Prime Ministers and Ministers of Health.

NHC has more than 60,000 patient contacts per year. Our clinics our AGPAL accredited facilities with modern medical equipment and sophisticated information technology systems including the use of the Communicare clinical information system, telemedicine facilities and an intranet site.

The main clinics are located at Iwantja (Indulkana), Mimili, Fregon, Pukatja (Ernabella), Amata, and Pipalyatjara while a smaller clinic is located at Nyapari. The organisation has administration offices at Umuwa and Alice Springs.

We bulk bill all patients at all times for everyone with a valid Medicare card. We value your time and do our very best to keep your waiting time to a minimum. Please remember, sometimes there are unexpected delays where our doctors, nurses or health workers may be devoting much needed time to another patient’s care, as they will dedicate to you. Accidents, emergencies and serious problems are attended to urgently and may take extra time. Please do let the nurse or health worker know if your condition is urgent.

The Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands cover over 105,000 square kilometres in the north west corner of South Australia, and is home to almost 3,000 residents. The Aṉangu culture is still strong, and Pitjantjatjara/Yankunytjatjara is the first language. The scenery is spectacular and includes the Everard, Musgrave and Mann Ranges.

Download Information

Nganampa Health Region
Umuwa Office
tel: (08) 8954 9040
fax: (08) 8956 7850
Alice Springs Office
3 Wilkinson Street
tel: (08) 8952 5300
fax: (08) 8952 2299
postal: PO Box 2232, Alice Springs, NT, 0871

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The documents and health information on this web site are the property of Nganampa Health Council unless otherwise indicated. Copyright restrictions apply. Unauthorised use of this data is prohibited. Permission to use any health information accessed here for reproduction, publication or further research project must first be sought in writing from the Director, Nganampa Health Council. This web site contains photos of Indigenous Australians. If you find photos of people who are deceased and you want them removed, please ring the Alice Springs office on 08 8952 5300.
Nganampa Health Council acknowledges and pay respects to the traditional custodians of all the Lands, esp the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, on which we work.