News and Events

Nganampa Health Council (NHC) is celebrating 40 years providing Aṉangu-led health services on the APY Lands with a community celebration at Umuwa on 26 April. Aṉangu from APY, current staff, former staff and friends of NHC, plus invited dignitaries will gather for speeches and presentations, Inma, a BBQ dinner and music from local bands.

Nganampa means ‘our’ in the Aṉangu languages, and since 1983, this innovative Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (ACCHO) has been operating continuously on the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands in the far north west of South Australia. Across 100,000 square kilometres, NHC operates seven clinics and assorted health related programs including sexual health, environmental health, health worker training, dental, women’s health, male health, children’s health, immunisation, eye health and mental health.

With nationally recognised successes in immunisation, child and maternal health, housing for health, and the establishment of the Mai Wiru (‘good food’) Regional Stores, NHC has delivered numerous benefits to the approximately 2,500 people living on the lands.

We look forward to joining our community to celebrate the continued success of this pioneering model of community-led health service provision.

When: Friday 26 April 2024, 2pm – 9pm

Where: Umuwa, APY Lands (and potential livestream – more info to come)

What: Speeches and presentations, Inma, BBQ dinner, Music from UPK bands & APY musicians (more details soon)

RSVP: 29 March 2024 — email (please say whether you want to join in person or watch on a livestream)

We invite all members of the Nganampa 'family' to this celebration, but please note the event is not open to the general public and an APY Lands permit and National Police Check are required for all attendees. RSVP is essential for any non-Aṉangu from outside the Lands wishing to attend – email us as early as possible so we can support your application for a permit.

We are working on options for a livestream and details will be provided closer to the date.

Accommodation in Umuwa is limited and we encourage visitors to stay with friends or camp at the nearby creek. BBQ breakfast will be provided for those staying overnight.

Nganampa Health Region
Umuwa Office
tel: (08) 8954 9040
fax: (08) 8956 7850
Alice Springs Office
3 Wilkinson Street
tel: (08) 8952 5300
fax: (08) 8952 2299
postal: PO Box 2232, Alice Springs, NT, 0871

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The documents and health information on this web site are the property of Nganampa Health Council unless otherwise indicated. Copyright restrictions apply. Unauthorised use of this data is prohibited. Permission to use any health information accessed here for reproduction, publication or further research project must first be sought in writing from the Director, Nganampa Health Council. This web site contains photos of Indigenous Australians. If you find photos of people who are deceased and you want them removed, please ring the Alice Springs office on 08 8952 5300.
Nganampa Health Council acknowledges and pay respects to the traditional custodians of all the Lands, esp the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands, on which we work.